The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

Most viewed - Joe Cook
JCook102.JPGCaptured rice carriers97 viewsYoung boys captured as rice carriers for the VC. One is whispering to the other as I heard them. See "Tour of Duty - Memories" for the whole story.
JCook-106.JPGA Visitor97 viewsThis is a "throw-back". Too small for dinner.
JCook-107.JPG8-inch Howitzer97 viewsThere was an 8 in battery set up about 5 miles from our Base Camp.
JCook69.JPGGoing on R&R96 viewsThis is the "holding area" at Cam Ranh Bay. I'm on my way to Taipei for some R&R.
JCook-105.JPGWhy we called them "Shit-Hooks"96 viewsA CH-47 was called a "Chinook". They were powerful utility helicopters. A cloud of dust and a heigh-ho Silver...away....away...away with everything that wasn't tied down. Don't mess with a Chinook; you can't win. The downdraft of the blades has to be seen to appreciate the power. It was not uncommon to run away when you saw a Chinook coming in.
JCook-120.JPGDressed for R&R95 viewsLooking clean and civilized...ready to go on R&R.
JCook68.JPGBase Camp Motor Pool94 viewsBoy, I thought we were getting pretty fancy!
JCook76.JPGAll my possessions94 viewsEverything I owned, clothes in a waterproof ammo fuze box.
JCook96.JPGFlags Flying94 viewsThe U S flag and the Republic of Korea flags.
JCook-125.JPGPFC Lawrence Bentman94 viewsPFC Lawrence Bentman joins me on an R&R trip to Taipei.
JCook104.JPGTea Plantation93 viewsPart of Tea Field
JCook81.JPGThe L-1991 viewsOne of the US Army's last pieces of fixed-wing aircraft. Used as a spotter, carrying Air FOs who guided battery registrations and targets-of-opportunity. We had one crash on the runway narrowly missing an Ammo Truck.
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