The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

Most viewed - Joe Cook
JCook1.jpgHi, Mom! I'm in Vietnam319 viewsHadn't learned to use the .45 cal on my hip when this photo was taken, but it sure kept anyone from stealing the monopoly money that we called "payroll". Note the R-292 antennas and the M2 Aiming Circle in the background.
Modern-Day_Joe_Cook.jpgSgt Joe Cook265 viewsModern-Day Joe. Here I am with my lovely bride. I not only survived Vietnam, but I managed to get into my dress blue uniform for this photo.
JCook-134.JPGMortar Pit251 viewsDon't know what size mortars these are!
JCook-135.JPGNeed a parking spot!249 viewsChinook pilot has to find a spot between all the stumps.
JCook4.jpgMail Call202 viewsThe greatest morale booster in all of Vietnam. You stand around and wait for your name to be hollered out during Mail Call. Battery Commander Frederick Rice holds a white Polaroid camera in his left hand during the mail call.
JCook3.jpgFDC tries out the guns195 viewsThat's me holding the 105mm round for loading into the breech. The gun-bunnies said I was "too slow" and suggested I return to the FDC. We were celebrating the 50,000th round...note the sign in the background against the sandbags.
JCook2.jpg"B" Battery Officers184 viewsCaptains Byron, Rice, and Osborne. Capt Osborne took over after Capt Rice's departure. {"Byron" should be Capt Max R. Barron, former XO of "B" Battery}
JCook6.jpg"Short Round" - the mascot184 viewsGreat coincidence! Danny Fort also has this very same photo in his Photo Gallery. "Short Round" was just a pup in 1966.
JCook18.jpgA "no-go" RSOP175 viewsWe occupied this very low-lying LZ. It rained, flooded the area, and we were being airlifted out. Guess somebody flunked the RSOP course.
JCook11.jpgGI Cook169 viewsWe got some eggs somehow and so here I am, cooking them up. Note the "stateside uniform": fatigues with the white cloth nametags, the black & gold "US Army" tag, and the 25th Inf Div patch on the LEFT shoulder, which would eventually wind up on the RIGHT shoulder.
JCook7.jpgRSOP167 viewsAll the FDC gear is packed on a 1/4-ton trailer and awaiting airlift by a CH-47. Got my trusty M-16 next to my pickaxe. Gotta decide which one is more reliable.
JCook15.jpgLizard on deck158 viewsLizard found at LZ 270. Musta got into our supply of C-rations.
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