The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

Most viewed - Max T. Leach
MTL-7.jpg104 viewsYes! It was cooler working without a shirt and getting lots of sun for a nice dark tan. Thank you, Vietnam!
MTL-2.jpgYou're in the Army now!102 viewsMax T. Leach: Drafted 14Mar68 at Ft Worth, Texas. Took Basic Training at Ft Polk, La. 25Mar68 - 17May68.
Awarded the American Spirit Medal.
MTL-3.jpgAIT - OCS Ft Sill, Okla93 viewsAttended AIT - OCS at Ft Sill, Okla, but dropped out after 5th week. Did not want the additional time in service required of an OCS officer. Sent to Vietnam in October, 1968.
MTL-6.jpgDeep Protection89 viewsOctober, 1968 - Assigned to "B" Battery, 2/9th Arty in the FDC section. Digging another shelter to keep me safe and hoping that "Charlie" doesn't kill me.
MTL-5.jpgSoldier buddy: South Vietnam84 viewsA Vietnam soldier - yes, South Vietnam! A friend that wanted to go to America with me; makes a good friend!
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