Most viewed - Harold Woody

Nam_Humor.jpgNam Cartoon115 viewsWe all have our favorite cartoons from Vietnam.

Diploma.jpgDiploma Time114 viewsMembers of the 2/9th Arty get their diplomas. Harold Woody is at far right.

Gen_Walker.jpgTroop Leader114 viewsThis is a photo of Brig Gen Walker (center), deputy commander of the 25th Inf Div, who led the 3rd Brigade on "Operation Blue Light" to the Central Highlands, the entry of "The Mighty Ninth" into Vietnam, December, 1965.

Leach.jpgSp4 William Leach113 viewsAnother original member of the Blue Light deployment, Sp4 Leach works on the RTT truck.

Ambulance.jpgWayne at work110 viewsAnother shot of Sp5 Wayne Engum. The guy in jeep to left is SP/4 Geiger from Commo Section Message Center center. Took as we were loading for the big island 1965

Les_Cotten.jpgRecon Sergeant107 viewsLeslie (Les) Cotten. Les was Lt Eric (Rick) Shinseki's recon sgt. He was in B Btry and transferred to HQ Btry and was wounded in early 66. He is presently the Sherriff of Navaro County Texas.
Lt Rick Shinseki (FO) went on to be a 4-star general, Chief of Staff, and the VA Secretary before resigning that post.

James_Hall.jpgIn Memory of James Hall107 viewsPFC James A. Hall, KIA. PFC Hall is listed in the "TAPS" section of the website.

woody.jpg2 viewsA younger Woody - bound for Vietnam
Slim, trim, ready for duty...including Nam. Taken at the Motor Pool, Schofield Barracks, Nov, 1964. I was on emergency leave at the time the unit was preparing to ship out and was transfered to HHB Divarty and went to Cu Chi with them.