Most viewed - J. William Ward

JWW1.jpgFire Mission!215 viewsContributed by Sp4 J. William Ward of "B" Battery. Location is "Kontum City", 1968. Tube is nicknamed "Cry Baby". Note the use of non-standard military ear protection devices (fingers). No wonder we're all retired and deaf.

Short-Round.jpgVietnamese Karaoke204 viewsOur famous 2/9th roving mascot, "Short Round" appears to be evaluating this Vietnamese choral group. Wonder if they made it to the next level?

TopKick.jpgThe Top184 viewsJust looking at this picture, you can tell this man is a respected leader of his crew.
Update: January, 2014. We now know he is 1SG Clifford J. Pullan. He passed away in January, 2015.

Sp-4_Woodhouse.jpgBest Defense182 viewsIn order to make sandbags, you gotta make mud first. Sp4 Woodhouse takes a pickaxe to break up the soil. Note the 2/9th insignia on his field cap.

JWW6.jpgKontum Kids176 viewsAs in most wars, civilians get a front row seat.

Lunch.jpgThe M-1 Field Skillet170 viewsNote the use of Tabasco (hot sauce). Almost made C-rations edible.

More_Incoming.jpgLook! Over there!168 viewsTime to get a move on.

Tucker.jpgCommo Check167 viewsLooks like the guys are calling each other. The guy on the left is Tucker from Tupelo, MS. He knew Elvis. I'm on the right.

Sp-4_Farley.jpgThat's Me163 viewsSp4 Farley proves he served with the 2/9th Arty in Vietnam. Here's his photo.

FFE.jpgFire Away!159 viewsNote the left hand of the AG has a firm grip on the lanyard. The next thing you will hear is "boom!". However, Ft Sill DOES NOT approve of anyone "straddling" the trail of a howitzer. Ten demerits.

JWilliam_Ward.jpgModern Day J. William Ward158 viewsLife is a "beach" in retirement, isn't it?

IncomingChop.jpgIncoming Chopper157 viewsAn excellent photo and "memory of being in the field" in Vietnam. This picture shows the talent of our Huey pilots getting into and out of hastily created LZs. You can almost hear the "pop-pop" of the blades.
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