Most viewed - Leon "Lee" Dixon

Dixon9a.jpgTo my rescue...158 viewsLZ Liz was a scary place to me. Never felt at ease there. I did some commo work out there and this particular time, the guns had been firing quite a bit all night long. I "slept" (if you could call it that) in a bunker right near one of the guns... and was a welcome sight to see the sun come up that next morning. I awoke to the sound of a Chinook coming to get me and to drop off supplies and food. I took pix of him on the way in and landing. It looked like the sun was shining right through him on the way in. Man, it was a beautiful sight to see!...

Dixon13.jpgPitching in156 viewsWhen things got dicey... even though I was a commo guy, there were times when I had to get out there and hump ammo with the guys on the guns. We were all kids, but looking back, we were all brave men too...

Dixon6a.jpg156 viewsMemories are made of this! The 3" reel-to-reel GE brand tape recorder operated on D-cell batteries. Just so happens that everything else in the field operated on D-cell batteries, too! Great way to communicate back home. Still works today!

Dixon63.jpgHooray - R&R Time156 viewsBankok R&R - those wonnnnderful Pan Am stewardesses. They always posted one or two at the door just inside the plane as you were leaving...and at least one at the end of the gangway stairs...smiling beguilingly in a skirt and heels. Sighhhhhhh!

LD-4.jpgPatrol Training - 2155 viewsOne of my buds was walking one of these dikes in a rice paddy when he stepped on a VC landmine. It was NOT a pretty experience...

Dixon70.jpgUnknown154 viewsSomeone wrote in about a fellow in one of the field batteries whom I believe had a Spanish surname. I am not sure if this was him or not, but I recall knowing this guy who I think was either B or C battery. As I recall he was shot, possibly KIA. Great fellow with a good sense of humor... but again, darned if I can remember his name...

Dixon39.jpgGoing to Bong Son - LZ English153 viewsHere we were gathering to move to the dreaded Bong Son/LZ English. None of us had heard anything good about it and some guys who had lived there before told horror stories, so we knew we were in for it. Look closely and you can even see the company clerk's group filing cabinets on the back of one truck to the lower right.

Dixon66.jpgArmed & Ready152 viewsThis fellow whose name I surely can no longer recall was shot on perimeter guard at Duc Pho. I think he was either from Michigan or Illinois. A very likable guy as I recall. He was sent home after he was shot, and survived.

Dixon10.jpgShining through151 viewsThe sun appears to be shining through the Chinook as it makes its landing.

Dixon60.jpgWhatta Takeoff!149 viewsDuc Pho Runway, LZ Montezuma, August, 1967. Although I thought that the runway had metal planking by this time, I could be wrong. Note the dirt runway with tire tracks. Certainly not a pilot's dream. Recall taking this shot from the back door of a C-123...a noisy, scary plane, but exciting to fly in especially when they later added JATO-assist pods on the wings.

Dixon68.jpgAdoption148 viewsRemember the photo where I mentioned that I adopted a boy and a girl from the local orphanage? {See Photo Dixon #16} You saw the boy in that shot. Here is me and the little girl when she came to visit at Duc Pho. Photos are even fading now. I think this was Christmas of 1967...

Dixon71.jpgHere come the tanks148 viewsThese were some of the tanks that armor guys operated out of LZ Montezuma. I remember them, the ordnance and the engineering boys clearing a road for us to convoy once.