The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

Most viewed - Leon "Lee" Dixon
Dixon55.jpg174 viewsA beautiful building on the square in downtown Saigon. Originally a French opera house and also the seat of the South Vietnamese legislature (best info). Also, note in the right foreground the huge bronze sculpture that was a memorial to South Vietnamese soldiers. To the right of this shot was the beautiful French Caravelle Hotel.
Dixon9.jpgTo my rescue...171 viewsThe Chinook touches down at LZ Liz...thank goodness!
Dixon5.jpgMy Uniform170 views4th Inf Div (Ivy) patch on right shoulder; 25th Inf Div (Tropic Lightning) on left shoulder. I was there for the "swap" of the 3rd Brigades between the Divisions.
Dixon3.jpg2/9th Arty Berets169 viewsHere...have a closer look!
Dixon6.jpgMy Uniform169 viewsNote the 2/9th Arty unit crest on the epaulet.
Dixon30.jpgHowitzer in place169 viewsGood pictorial on the 360-degree firing capability.
Dixon73.jpgKIA Charles "Bruce" McClurg?168 viewsI believe this MAY be a foggy shot I took of KIA Charles "Bruce" McClurg on the right. I can't remember the fellow's name on the left. They were both on KP duty this day at Duc Pho.
Dixon28.jpgClub Card167 viewsMy membership card at the NCO Open Mess Club at Camp Enari... that kinda reddish brown hue on the card is from... welll... you know what it's from! Wasn't EVERYTHING in Pleiku that color?
Dixon35.jpgThe Motor Man166 viewsA very memorable character at right; his name was either Rogers or Richards. Fellow at left is UNK. The guy really loved WOMEN and met a few courtesy of the local mama-san. He said that Asia was heaven and he had no plans to return to the US. There were a lot of guys like that over there.
LD-5.jpgHogan166 viewsOne of my Commo buddies, Hogan back at Camp Enari in Pleiku shortly before returning home 1968... note the clean, pressed jungle fatigues!
Dixon56.jpgUS Embassy - Saigon165 viewsA photo of the US Embassy in Saigon before the attacks. Notice how high the front wall is over the fellow walking. One wonders how the press depicted the embassy wall as so easy to climb!
LD-6.jpgCommo Buddy on patrol165 viewsThis is another Commo buddy out on forgotten.
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