The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

Most viewed - Leon "Lee" Dixon
Dixon1.jpgHere I am!461 viewsHere is me in Duc Pho wearing a 2/9th camouflage beret (that's my 3/4-ton commo truck in the background- notice the hex insignia on the door)...
Dixon-76.jpgThe Magic Slot361 viewsYep...that's where you stick the head of your 8-track cartridge and record YOUR choice of music. This was extremely "high tech" in its day. The machine is still around and working.
Dixon49.jpgM42 Twin 40mm Duster293 viewsHere I am with the Duster at LZ English that stopped all of the shooting after the Chinook crashed. This thing really got the attention of those VC that were shooting at the Chinook. Notice my beard; it got me a trip to Saigon due a skin infectionl condition that inhibited shaving.
Dixon8.jpgLZ English - Bong Son281 viewsThe place I remember that was so dangerous and remote was a place we called LZ Liz. I spent a few days and nights there huddled in a bunker while the guns went off. I forget which battery was there, but they had very rough accommodations and a scary place on top of a hill. I was stationed in Duc Pho at the time. I was also in Kon Tum, Bong-son, and other areas.
Dixon-75.jpgAKAI makes The Army Times268 views24Apr68 - Army Times does an article on the new Akai 1800-SD. This was like reading science fiction at the time. Bought one and sent it home. Can't tell you how many tapes I made after I got home....
Modern-Day_Lee.JPGModern Day Leon "Lee" Dixon251 viewsThings are looking good after Vietnam.
Dixon27.jpgAn offer I could refuse?239 viewsHere I am with my girlfriend (in T-strap heels, no less) at a Buddhist temple. Cute, huh? My driver (you could hire a 24/7 driver then- rather than get a taxi each time) for $15-$20 a week! And any time you left your hotel- day or night- he (or one of his close friends) was there waiting to drive you anywhere you wanted to go! After I was out one night with my girlfriend, my driver said–rather surprised–in his broken English, "Ohhh! Sirrr... she berrdy plettty... but she not barhhh gurl !? I sink she rike you too much, huh? Maybe you make-a"
salesinvoice.jpgA Father's Promise237 viewsOne of our Commo guys said his dad promised him something. If he would just stay alive and make it home, his dad would buy him a new GTO. Sure enough, when he got home, there was a brand new red GTO waiting for him! THAT got my fires going. I learned through the PX guys that I could order new cars at a military discount! I ordered a new Pontiac GTO convertible. Here is the first of several (modified) orders I made. And check that price! NOTE that the form states it is ordered from Viet Nam, and gives an "APO" address.

Dixon50.jpg17th Field Hospital, Saigon226 viewsOne of our NCO's insisted that we shave close enough NOT to scratch the back of his hand or we got assigned EXTRA guard duty! He would actually rub the back of his hand across your face while in morning formation. You had hell to pay if it got scratched! My skin infection got so bad that I ended up in several hospitals, finally arriving at 17th Field Hospital in Saigon. It was a kind of poetic justice from God...
Dixon21a.jpgMore Commo Dudes219 viewsA few more of our commo guys from HQ Batt in Duc Pho. On the left is "Philly" (from Philadelphia- we always called him "Philly"), PFC Hogan, Cpl Franklin and Sgt Ken Fogel (of Wis). Fogel was a great friend & stand-up guy to know if there ever was one. If you look verrrry closely you can see a sign just behind the tall head there that says "The Mighty Ninth 2/9th". There were two senior sergeants who oversaw the commo section and they slept in the hootch to the right of the photo with the carved supports. One of these was a Sgt Houston– the guy who'd always ask for "volunteers to go to Bn HQ". The other was a particularly disagreeable chap whose name I cannot recall.
Dixon22.jpgO Tannenbaum?219 viewsI'm on the left, Ken Fogel, middle, and at right was Zastrow, I recall. I believe he was shot on perimeter guard duty at Duc Pho, sent home and recovered later. A very likable fellow with a great sense of humor. I think he was from Wis/Minn area. I preferred to eat C's in the field- even often at Duc Pho/Montezuma. But in this case, somebody sent us canned goods from back home and we were FEASTING! I got hit with something from a truck that had exploded (probably from a booby trap) along the way. From that time on, I wore my flack jacket and steel pot... because those wonderful things are what absorbed whatever hit me and save my life! Here, as we eat from the cans, Fogel is attempting to teach us a song in German!
Dixon33.jpgTarget! Wrong Target215 viewsAs I recall, this was a Caribou just outside of Duc Pho. I saved the clipping all these years. As I recall, the press kinda twisted the story, but it was a very tragic event.

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