
Turner_97.jpg92 views

Turner_100.jpgConvoy92 viewsTypical convoy in Vietnam. All the roadside shrubbery made good hiding spots for ambushes.

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Turner_58.jpgKP?91 viewsI thought we left police duty back in the States. You can't do much for this place anyway.

Turner_61.jpgLagoon91 viewsThis may be the lagoon behind LZ OD that fed the rice paddies at the bottom of the hill.

Turner_104.jpgConvoy91 viewsSights on a convoy.

Turner_29.jpgGuns A-Go-Go90 viewsTroops admiring the armed CH-47. As best we can tell, the gunship was located at LZ Uplift for everyone to look and take photos.

Turner_50.jpgMulti-Topographic90 viewsVietnam had mountains, hills, canopy jungle, and flat lands, too.

Turner_53.jpgConvoy90 viewsBeautiful palm trees alongside the road.
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