
Turner_62.jpgLittle Shopper103 viewsYoung girl in Pleiku.

Turner_5.jpgVillage View102 viewsIt was typical to pass schools, orphanages, and temples during a highway convoy.

Turner_30.jpgMean Machine102 viewsThe CH-47 gunship, probably displayed at LZ Uplift.

Turner_39.jpgConvoy102 viewsRoadside sights include an abandoned bicycle.

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Turner_107.jpgMeeting?102 viewsThey're probably wondering who called this meeting.

Turner_1.jpgShake, Rattle & Roll101 viewsAir Force cargo planes were a treat; reminded you of the roller coasters back home.

Turner_69.jpgLZ OD --- The Beginning101 viewsSpring, 1967. "A" Battery occupies LZ OD along with the HQ, 1/35th Bn. The battery took the end nearest the lagoon which supplied water to the rice paddies controlled by a floodgate.

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Turner_67.jpgLZ Montezuma100 viewsThe 3rd Brigade Special Task Force Headquarters airstrip. The South China Sea lies just behind the hill in the background. Reports are that the US Marines occupied this area first and left a hellacious number of mines on the hill.

Turner_108.jpgConvoy sights100 viewsNow the question is: Was is a toll booth or a lemonade stand?

Turner_59.jpgQui Nhon99 viewsThis photo taken at Qui Nhon.
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