MK242.jpgAdditional Duty138 viewsEveryone had additional duties…even Captains. Ray Plunkett (RTO), Signal officer Lt Ronald Kettelman and Capt Robert Richardson do village assistance program near Oasis.
MK-280.jpgAttack on The Oasis138 viewsThe day you always know may be coming...and here it is....
MK-40.jpgWhere are we?137 viewsLeave that to the FO, of course. Typical LZ clearing by an Infantry company on a mission.
MK53.jpgTypical Village137 viewsVillage with water buffalo, VC, and snipers.
MK-42.jpgDigging in136 viewsProviding cover and concealment with logs, sandbags, and foxholes.
MK-72.jpgWeapons Maintenance136 viewsAlways taking time out to clean your gear. You need take care of takes care of you.
MK-52.jpgThe "Yard" House135 viewsAnother view.
MK150.jpgLiving Quarters at Pleiku AFB135 viewsThe "Cider FACs" house with the Officers Club up the hill. Great steaks with "hot & cold running" in the hooches and clean sheets on the beds.
MK244.jpgPleiku135 viewsGoing through Pleiku.
MK-261.jpgWaterfall135 viewsA rare sight in Vietnam - a waterfall.
MK-46.jpgRare Defensive Position134 viewsIt was rare to find yourself in a prepared defensive position in the boonies.
MK-76.jpgSearch & Destroy missions134 viewsAnother walk in the park? Or...Ambush City?