MK128.jpgNew Bird107 viewsMy new OH-3 attack helicopter...the "Loach". I had an OH-3 assigned to me for four hours a day. I flew with the "Cider FACs" on my own time when the "Loach" was not available.
MK131.jpgGot it together107 viewsIn the groove and doing my thing as the AO at Firebase Oasis, March, 1969.
MK204.jpgThunder from above107 viewsA world of hurt falling down on "Charlie".
MK205.jpgThunder from above107 viewsThe Redleg Artillery was feared by the NVA and Charlie alike.
MK212.jpgDay & Night107 viewsFiring days and nights.
MK219.jpgCobra Attacks107 viewsThe best aerial platform for ground support.
MK273.jpgGetting "short"107 viewsIt is now "sixty days and a wake-up". Everyone in Vietnam knew the exact date of their DEROS.
MK124.jpgDual skills106 viewsNow that's a great pilot...flying and taking pictures at the same time. Didn't even know he took the picture.
MK129.jpgNew York, New York106 viewsOne proud New Yorker...Lt John Cashin. He brought his state flag with him.
MK217.jpgSet Up106 viewsThe "Loach" scout serving as bait with the Cobra gunship high above waiting to drop some "shit" on the dinks.
MK137.jpgGas mission105 viewsDropping CS
MK138.jpgFollowed by....105 viewsNext came the arty...."Shot Out"