MK225.jpgUnderground TOC115 viewsFinishing up work on the new underground TOC.
See: Walt Schneidereit's photo album; the TOC was dismantled in November, 1969.
MK227.jpgCharlie still there115 viewsWe get more calling cards from “Charlie”…
Ammo truck hit by 75mm recoilless rifle…
MK231.jpgImpact Area115 viewsThe target area where the 75mm recoilless rifle fired on the “Oasis”.
MK237.jpgBBQ Pit115 viewsThe Colonel’s BBQ Pit, our version of the “O” Club, not quite like the Air Force, however.
MK274.jpgWeapons Maintenance115 viewsCleaning my 9mm; no time to be taking chances.
MK275.jpgPromotion115 viewsRTO Ray Plunkett gets a promotion. Expression shows that he earned it!
MK278.jpgGetting "short"115 viewsAnother "short timer": Lt John Cashin, "45 days and a wake-up". Your "wake-up" call was the day you left.
MK196.jpgBack to Work115 viewsAfter being on R&R, you can smell Vietnam before you see it.
MK118.jpgGoodbye, additional duties114 viewsEnough of the "additional duties" already. Finally got my own antique helicopter for the job I am supposed to be doing. An OH-23 Hiller 12E.
MK162.jpgFirepower!114 viewsCombined Artillery and Air Strikes put a lot of firepower on the ground.
MK168.jpgThe results114 viewsResults of coordinated firepower.
MK170.jpgMeanwhile...back at the "Oasis"114 viewsMy RTO Ray Plunkett goofing off with the camera.