MK201.jpgFearless116 viewsCapt Peter Parrac, the most fearless pilot I've ever flown with.
MK216.jpg"Puff" pours it on116 viewsHe's bringing a world of hurt to Charlie.
MK277.jpgGetting "short"116 views"The World" is only "60 days and a wake up". I can do this…
MK267.jpgLt Friend116 viewsLt Friend, fearless, courageous...a real combat engineer. His jeep was shot up pretty good during the "Attack on The Oasis". {See MK-289}
MK-54.jpgPeaceful Village115 viewsThe Montagnards were mainly a peaceful people, but they were hated by the Vietnamese.
MK-92.jpgPreparing for takeoff115 viewsL-19 takes off from LZ Oasis.
MK126.jpgAerial view115 viewsMy view of Vietnam and the images left in my mind.
MK142.jpgNew Building115 viewsBuilding a new underground TOC (Tactical Operations Center) for Arty at Firebase Oasis, 2/9th Bn HQ Operations Shop.
NOTE! Visit Walt Schneidereit's album, #WS-34, and you will see this same TOC being dismantled.
MK-148.jpgCareer Change115 viewsFrom ground-pounding with the grunts to flying with the AF.
MK173.jpg"The Wannabe"115 viewsMy RTO Ray Plunkett posing as a "wannabe" pilot.
If those AF pilots rented out their helmets for photos, they could retire without need of a pension.
MK177.jpgThe Hooch115 viewsIn front of my hooch at the Oasis.
MK223.jpgUnderground TOC115 viewsCapt David Horswell working the Intel reports…planning the night “Horses and Indians” (harrassment and interdiction) Artillery fire…2/9th underground TOC. May ‘69