Most viewed - Walt Schneidereit

WS-34.JPGConstruction Work147 viewsTaking out commo from the 2/9th TOC. Walt is 2nd from left; Top Davis standing on beam.
NOTE! Check out Photo #MK-142 in Mike Kurtgis album; it shows the 2/9th TOC under construction.

WS-83.JPGSwim Time146 viewsDennis Couch, Walt and Al Childers at right.

WS-82.JPGSears Underwear Ad146 viewsSp4 Dennis Couch and friend Sp4 Al Childers next to LZ Oasis water hole.

OasisAtk.jpgRadio Report146 viewsA transcribed radio announcer's brief report on the attack on LZ Oasis.

WS-112.JPGCamp Enari145 viewsA complete layout of Camp Enari.

WS-54.JPGHere we are!144 viewsReporting to the Induction Station. Me, Cliff Parker, and Mario Colonna (dec). It looks like 6am and feels like it, too!

WS-15.JPGTaking a break143 viewsJerry Genson, Ammo Section Chief, and friends from 1/35 at the ASP.

WS-45.JPGHistorical turnover143 viewsIvy Leaf article details the release of Camp Enari to the ARVN regiment.

WS-18.JPGProtecting the Colonel142 viewsDennis Couch holds M-16 while guarding the Colonel's jeep. He was the Colonel's driver for 2 months. While in the Ammo Section, we all had to work every day supplying ammo, being on the road, and pulling Guard Duty at night. Dennis grabbed the chance to be the Colonel's driver but returned to the Section with the move back to Camp Enari.

WS-25.JPGSurvey Section142 viewsSgt McDonna poses proudly next to the Section sign. The sign says "Mighty Ninth Survey Section" when photo is enlarged. Wonder where that piece of history is today? Engineer stakes prop up the sandbag wall around the tent.

WS-81.JPGHail, Miss America 1969!142 viewsMs Judith Ford, chosen as Miss America in 1969 visited our base and stands next to PFC Jerry Genson, henceforth known as the "Lucky Devil". Lucky devil indeed, Ms Ford represented the State of Illinois as a pageant contestant. She took the time to visit the troops in the field in Vietnam.

WS-23.JPGSurvey Section138 viewsSam Kerr of the 2/9th Survey Section. Howitzer is nicknamed "Ball Buster".
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