
TR48.jpgSandbag Detail115 viewsI filled them while Max T. Leach, far right, counted them. We were "sandbag experts".

TR57.jpgSharing the LZ115 viewsNot very often did you find 105mm and 155mm at the same LZ.

TR20.jpgAt The Ready113 viewsDate: 2Feb68 Location: LZ Ranger
Holding my M16 and my M26 frag grenade

TR29.jpgMini-tank113 viewsRaising a lot of dust.

TR22.jpgBest Snake - Dead Snake112 viewsMay, 1968 Location: LZ Duke
I could use him for a ruler, but I won't. Note that the CONEX was "requisitioned" from the Air Force.

TR26.jpgVung Tao112 viewsRemember Vung Tao? It was the "in-country" spot for "R&R".

TR47.jpgStill Standing112 viewsChurch edifice proudly states "1958". Wonder what happened to it in the 70s.

TR8.jpgWhat, me work?111 viewsDate: 30 Dec. Location: LZ Schuyler.
Would you believe work? This hole was dug completely for dirt to fill sandbags. Lots of sandbags. They told me to look for gold to keep me motivated.

TR23.jpgThey like hats111 viewsDate: 29Nov68 Location: Duc Minh
These are a few of my Vietnamese buddies. Would you believe they like hats?

TR27.jpgPhil110 viewsThis is Phil Johnson. He might be known as "Phil this hole" Johnson later.

TR30.jpgJerry Rudd - FDC110 viewsThe one not wearing a gas mask is Jerry Rudd. Reportedly, he was the brother of the SDS' Mark Rudd.

TR31.jpgMonkey business110 viewsOne "gun bunny" playing with one monkey.