The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

Most viewed - Terry Savely
TS-24.jpgThere's War... and then there is war227 viewsThe editor of the newly-renamed "Ivy Leaf" rag of the 4th Inf Division may have wished he gave more thought to this page layout. At top, you have and Infantryman in the jungle, at bottom, you have our cannoneers with "B" Company (s/b Battery), 2/9th, firing a mission, and to the right...TA-DA! An 8,800 sq ft brand new PX has a grand opening...complete with 500 soldiers and a band! Wonder if they sang "Happy Days Are Here Again"?
TS-D4.JPGGoing to the Dogs: Mascots of Bravo Battery222 views"Look what those C-rats are doing to my teeth!"

Mocha the mascot.
TS-19.jpgLZ Ranger @ Ban-me-Thuot215 viewsUnknown cannoneers. Shell casing reveals the center firing tube which ignites the powder bags.
TS-18.jpgLZ Ranger @ Ban-me-Thuot203 viewsMen-At-Work. Close coordination between cannoneers makes for a successful gun crew.
Water can says "Non Potable". Of course, that applied to most things in Vietnam.
TS-4.JPGLZ Ranger @ Ban-me-Thuot197 viewsExtensive use of sandbagged bunkers at battery's howitzer sections.
TS-7.JPGLZ Ranger @ Ban-me-Thuot196 viewsMud puddles everywhere.
TS-14.JPGLZ Ranger @ Ban-me-Thuot191 viewsUNKNOWN cannoneer. Note the well-maintained area of the howitzer.
TS-3.jpgLZ Ranger @ Ban-me-Thuot185 viewsArtillery housekeeping. Note how neat & organized. The "aiming sticks" are shown at bottom right.
TS-23.jpg184 viewsExcellent shot of "B" Battery cannoneers boresighting their howitzer.
TS-15.JPGLZ Ranger @ Ban-me-Thuot182 viewsRick Algren poses next to one of the new 105mm howitzers, the M-102. These arrived in 1968; the 2/9th Arty was the first unit to receive them.
TS-20.JPGMessage for Charlie179 viewsUNKNOWN Cannoneer loads the newer M102 howitzer model.
TS-21.jpgGrabbing the lanyard176 viewsThe final step: the AG grabbing the lanyard. Get ready for a double-bang.
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