
BB-27.JPG86 views

BB-52.JPGCleaning up86 viewsElmer Lindsay (KIA) in front with Phil Orville in back; cleaning gun after convoy up from north Bong Son (LZ English).

BB-8.JPGFacing LZ Ross85 viewsThis view is from LZ Colt facing toward LZ Ross.

BB-23.JPGFire mission continues...85 viewsCasteel, me and Reedy

BB-41.JPGAir strike84 viewsThere is an airstrike going on southwest of Fire Base 14 (FSB 14, LZ Incoming) while some grunt brothers are looking on.

BB-54.JPGLoad 'er up!84 viewsHowitzers in position to be loaded on aircraft.

BB-53.JPG84 views

BB-20.JPGResupply83 viewsChinook dropping off ammo.

BB-39.JPGZipper-rooo83 viewsUp the powder bags go in flame and smoke. The fire puts out intense heat.

BB-58.JPGGun #483 viewsBob Becker with gun #4.

BB-61.JPGAll smiles83 viewsBob Becker; one proud cannoneer.

BB-22.JPGThe real thing82 viewsThese are the working parts of a 105mm; near and dear to the hearts of every cannoneer.