
BB-1a.JPG88 views

BB-50.JPGSection Mascot?88 viewsBob Becker holding a key part of our Section mascot.

BB-19.JPGFire Mission!87 viewsCarlos Casteel, me, and Bobby Gomez working the fire mission.

BB-21.JPGResupply chopper leaving87 viewsThis pilot might want to re-think his flight plan next time.

BB-30.JPGNew gun87 viewsI am standing next to our new gun.

BB-33.JPGBarbershop in the sky87 viewsCasteel is giving someone a haircut; don't know who, though.

BB-38.JPGPowder bag ritual87 viewsWe are preparing to burn the excess powder bags.
L to R: UNK, Carl Willis, and Bobby Gomez.

BB-48.JPGUnknown87 viewsThe firebase of this photo is UNK.

BB-9.JPGLZ Hardcore86 views

BB-27.JPG86 views

BB-8.JPGFacing LZ Ross85 viewsThis view is from LZ Colt facing toward LZ Ross.

BB-23.JPGFire mission continues...85 viewsCasteel, me and Reedy