
BB-17.JPGTarget!91 viewsWhatever it was, it got it. We were just practicing, though.

BB-47.JPGBob Madison91 viewsSitting on the wheel is Bob Madison from Madison, South Dakota at LZ Mile High.

BB-63.JPGKeep your weapons clean91 viewsBob takes on key maintenance duties - a clean M-60.

BB-36.JPGHookup time again90 viewsSandy is getting ready to apply the donut.

BB-34.JPGCalling for a huddle90 viewsWe're having a team meeting at this point.

BB-45.JPGAir strike90 viewsAir strike outside the perimeter of LZ Incoming with a grunt off to the left watching from his line bunker.

BB-44.JPGToo close for comfort90 viewsCarl Willis is in the foreground. Artillery rounds going off right outside our perimeter after moving to LZ Mile High.

BB-59.JPG90 viewsBob Becker, Freddie Martinez and UNK.

BB-64.JPGGetting hooked on cigs90 viewsA young 'un comes to mooch cigarettes from Bob Becker.

BB-67.JPG90 views

BB-60.JPGKids with helmets89 viewsPhil Orville and Bob Becker with a couple of inquisitive kids.

BB-62.JPGWaiting to load89 viewsPhil Orville & Bob Becker waiting to load planes to Kontum.