
BB-11.JPGAerial view?94 viewsGun emplacements high on the mountain top.

BB-18.JPGLoad 'er up!94 viewsL to R: Freddy Martinez, Carlos Casteel, and Bobby Gomez. Ya think we had a recruiter working south of the border?

BB-46.JPGLeaving the LZ94 viewsGetting ready to move off LZ Mile High. L to R: Carlos Casteel, Bob Becker, Charlie South and UNK.

BB-74.JPGChecking the sights94 viewsElmer Lindsay (KIA) is looking through the Gunner's sights.

BB-71.JPGAG is ready94 views"Big Red" is the one standing on the trail with fingers in ears.

BB-5.JPGHere comes the horses93 viewsThe Chinooks are arriving to pick up the howitzers.

BB-28.JPGExpert Chopper pilots93 viewsThis Chinook pilot laid the back wheels of his chopper on a personnel bunker while Sandy is hooking up the donut. I'm inside the bunker taking the picture.

BB-60.JPGKids with helmets93 viewsPhil Orville and Bob Becker with a couple of inquisitive kids.

BB-68.JPGReady but Waiting93 viewsWaiting for a fire mission.

BB-14.JPGLooking a little dazed92 viewsHere I am in a personnel bunker with a 100-yard stare....

BB-25.JPGThat's Me92 viewsThat's me...Bob Becker...doing my John Wayne pose.

BB-36.JPGHookup time again92 viewsSandy is getting ready to apply the donut.