Most viewed - 2-9th Reunion - Finale

Steve_Cox_6.JPGHonoring Jerry Orr84 viewsAlong the walls of the 1/19th FA Battalion HQ, there is a drawing of Jerry Orr and his military awards.
Photo courtesy of Steve Cox

Steve_Cox_9.JPGFinale Banquet84 viewsWe enjoy our "last meal" of the 2/9th Reunion at Mike's Sports Grill
Photo courtesy of Steve Cox

Scan51018.jpgThe Gals84 viewsL to R: Cindy Schmidt, Rita Stuber, Martha Henderson, Jackie Dauphin, Joanne Wilson, Carol Crochet, Mercy Kurtgis
Photo courtesy of Joe Henderson

Ward_4.jpgThursday Firepower Demonstration84 viewsSam Nieto (deceased) with daughters Kristin and Samantha
Photo courtesy of William Ward

Barb_2.JPGMama Goose84 viewsMama Goose and her little ducklings walk along the top of the waterfall in Medicine Park. Wildlife was abundant in Medicine Park.
Photo courtesy of Barbara Moeller

Barb_6.JPGLadies' Lunch84 viewsSorry, no turtle soup on the menu. You feed them instead.
Photo courtesy of Barbara Moeller

barb_25.JPGOld Plantation - Thurs Evening Dinner84 viewsLong-time buddies in combat, Mike Kurtgis chats with Jerry Orr (deceased). Martha Henderson at left, Mercy Kurtgis next to Mike, Carol & Wayne Crochet at far right.
Photo courtesy of Barbara Moeller

image1.pngMike's Sports Grill83 viewsBack Row: Moon Mullins, Charles Skidmore, Carlton Epps, David Scott, Jeff LaBreck; First Row: Mike Kurtgis, the late Jerry Orr, John Cashin, and Ray Beebe.
Photo courtesy of John Cashin

Our_Ladies.jpegOur Ladies & Guests83 viewsL to R: Barbara Moeller, Tour Guide, Carol Crochet, Martha Henderson, Mercy Kurtgis, Joanne Wilson, Jackie Dauphin, Rita Stuber, and Cindy Schmidt.
Photo courtesy of Joe Henderson

barb_24.JPGOld Plantation - Thurs Evening Dinner83 viewsBob Wilson, Joe & Martha Henderson, Mike Kurtgis.
Photo courtesy of Barbara Moeller

Steve_Cox_1.JPGOld Plantation Restaurant - Medicine Park82 viewsSteve & Madeline Cox
Photo courtesy of Steve Cox

IMG_6074.JPGBCT Graduation82 viewsOn the Friday agenda was attending the Delta Battery, 1/19th graduation ceremonies.
Photo courtesy of Joe Henderson