The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

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RW-10.JPGSurveyors shavingArtillery surveyors Houch and Danny Yates cleaning up.Feb 27, 2015
RW-11.JPGHide and SeekFellow redlegs Barrington and Pfc Gordon G. Roufs. Roufs came over from Hawaii with Operation Blue Light.Feb 27, 2015
RW-4.JPGBubble arrivesC&C chopper coming in.Feb 24, 2015
RW-5.JPGHere comes C&CA "bubble helo" arriving usually meant the boss coming for a visit.Feb 24, 2015
RW-6.JPGThe Mighty Ninth goes by seaAlternate Thoughts: Some components of the 2/9th may have moved from LZ Uplift to Bronco Beach via LST while others went to Duc Pho via convoy. Qui Nhon is mostly landlocked. The men pictured are walking the deck of the LST.Feb 24, 2015
RW-1.JPGThe Mighty Ninth goes by seaLooking at the vehicles on the deck, you can see the designation "25 F 2-9".
Wonder if we are due any ribbons for naval action? G. Dean Springer believes the move definitely occurred although he personally went via convoy. Ray Delano suggests that "A" Battery moved by naval vessel with an Engineer and Cav outfit possibly.
Feb 24, 2015
RW-2.JPGThe Mighty Ninth goes by seaWhat I remember was that I went by sea and that the trip was rough due to the flat bottom of the LST. I recall standing to get a better view and the ship came down off a wave and buckled my knees. I then climbed into the cab of a truck for the remaining trip to Duc Pho. Feb 24, 2015
RW-3.JPGThe Mighty Ninth goes by seaThe next three photos show the 2/9th loaded on an LST. I believe the sea move was made from Qui Nhon to Duc Pho. I somewhat remember going by convoy in January, 1967 from Pleiku to Qui Nhon. Then the division split. Some continued by convoy and some sea to Duc Pho. Feb 24, 2015
Pole_Repair-2.JPGAfter Mother's Day AttackSteven Cox at the Oasis, on the pole after the Mother's Day attack at LZ Oasis. We are fixing the cable that was cut the night before. One of the men on the shown below me is the Commo Sgt. This photo was taken with a Polaroid I had to work on it to get it this good.Feb 19, 2015
Pole_Repair.JPGAfter Mother's Day AttackSteven Cox at the Oasis, climbing the pole to make repairs.Feb 19, 2015
LZ_Liz_fire-mission-3.jpgFire Mission!More firing at LZ Liz.Feb 18, 2015
Porkchop-our_cook.jpgSaluting our C-2-9 Cook!Pork Chop...better known as our battery cook.Feb 18, 2015
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