
RW-37.JPGChecking out the cavesSurveyor Chuck Peart (foreground) hanging out with some of the soldiers of the 1/14th Inf Regiment. We were called in after they found the caves.Mar 06, 2015

RW-38.JPGLooking down an entrance.Looking down towards the cave complex entrances. We surveyed the entrances to the caves for a B-52 mission to further destroy the caves after Company D 65th Engineers blew up the caves. Capt. Steven Childers, CO of B Company 1/14th was killed. He was at the entrance to one of the caves trying to coax out some civilians when a VC shot him from behind the civilians.Mar 06, 2015

RW-39.JPGCave Smoke BreakSgt Barrington taking a smoke break after enjoying a hot meal with the 1/14th soldiers.Mar 06, 2015

RW-40.JPGDestroying the cavesDanny Yates and myself taking a break after also enjoying a hot meal. We spent 5 days in the boonies with the B Company. (B/1/14)Mar 06, 2015

RW-22a.JPGMess Hall New Mess Hall under construction. Dragon Mountain in the background.Mar 06, 2015

RW-22b.JPGRoofing the Mess HallBob was a carpenter and roofer, his secondary MOS.Mar 06, 2015

Arrival_at_Base_Camp.JPGWell....Here I am!Sp4 Robert "Bob" Wilson arrives at the 2/9th Base Camp around holiday time. You'll notice that Danny Yates is a fellow artillery surveyor who served with me.Mar 06, 2015

Arriving_at_Base_Camp_-_2.JPGArriving at Base CampA closer look at my fresh new uniform. So proud of my new rank that I had to get a close up.Mar 06, 2015

RW-35.JPGHeading for Hon Noc MountainCatching a ride and headed to the caves.Mar 06, 2015

RW-36.JPGWaiting for a HueyThe Survey Crew is waiting on a ride, reading the Stars and Stripes while Sgt Barrington studies the map of our soon-to-be survey area. More than likely, it was the caves in the Hon Noc mountains.Mar 06, 2015

RW-31.JPGBronco BeachLanding on the sand near LZ Bronco (Montezuma).Feb 28, 2015

RW-33.JPGLZ UpliftSetting up camp at LZ Uplift.Feb 28, 2015
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