
Pleiku_Children.JPGPleiku seriesTypical Vietnamese children playing with downed tree branches.Mar 21, 2015

Christmas_Pleiku_12-66.jpgPleiku seriesThis was a Christmas party and dinner for kids from a local orphanage. Too bad this didn't make the news back home. It was more sensational news to sell the troops as "baby killers". Mar 21, 2015

Pleiku_Catholic_Church.JPGPleiku seriesAt the time I was surprised to see a Catholic church in Vietnam. I eventually found out that the Catholic religion is the second largest religion after Buddhist. I talked to a person there to find out that it was Catholic.
{Webmaster's Note: Many Vietnamese were settled in Port Arthur, TX and the Gulf Coast of Mississippi after Nam. They started up both Catholic parishes and Buddhist temples.}
Mar 20, 2015

Pleiku_Montagnard.JPGPleiku seriesPleiku Montagnard: Carrying his wares to sell at the market.
{Montagnards were indigenous to the mountainous areas of Vietnam; they were a very friendly people and somehow managed to stay out of the entanglements with the VC and NVA. The Vietnamese people weren't so lucky.}Mar 20, 2015

Pleiku_Pedicab.JPGPleiku seriesPlieku Pedicab: Never had the chance to ride in one.Mar 20, 2015

Pleiku_GI_Bartering.JPGPleiku seriesPlieku GI bartering: Some GI's interacting with the Vietnamese children. Notice the one young girl holding something she wants to sell.
{Webmaster's Note: Many American-made items wound up in the local black markets. It was always amazing since there were certainly no legitimate means of distribution.}Mar 20, 2015

Pleiku_Market.JPGPleiku seriesCandid view of an open air market.Mar 20, 2015

Plieku_Theater_Goers.JPGPleiku seriesPleiku Theater Goers: People lining up for tickets and some waiting for the show to start.Mar 20, 2015

Pleiku_Theater_Concession_Stands.JPGPleiku seriesPleiku Theater Concession Stands: The building on the back ground is a theater in town.Mar 20, 2015

Pleiku_Street_Scene.JPGPleiku seriesLooking down the street in Pleiku. Notice the girl in the Ao Dai (dress). As she saw me starting to take the picture, she covered her face. I think this has something to do with the belief that the picture would take their soul. {Webmaster: Yes...this happened a lot}Mar 20, 2015

Pleiku_Sight-Seeing.JPGPleiku seriesIn the background are the merchants and shoppers.Mar 20, 2015

Pleiku_School_Girls.JPGPleiku seriesPleiku School Girls: Note the uniforms. The school was next to the church so I assume it was a church run school.
{Webmaster's Note: In the 60s and many years prior, Catholic churches were part of the US private (religious) school system and staffed by clergy and nuns. The Catholic school system today is a fraction of what it used to be.}Mar 20, 2015
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