The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

Last additions
Photo_Display.JPGNew photo service...and the pictures kept a'coming..........Sep 30, 2015
Photog.JPGNew photo serviceA new addition to the activities of this year's reunion in the Hospitality Suite was an "on-hand" photographer who shot many, many photos of everyone in attendance. His handiwork was promptly developed and posted on the board shown.Sep 30, 2015
WWII_Memorial.jpgHonor FlightLaying of a wreath at the WWII Memorial in Washington, DC during the weekend of June, 2015, 71 years after the D-Day landing.Jun 09, 2015
Yates_-_Tennerman.jpgHonor Flight to DCI spent this past weekend (June, 2015) acting as Escort for my wife's uncle on
an Honor Flight to Washington, DC. Earl Tennerman was in the Navy, and
wounded at Peleliu in the Palau Islands when his ship was hit by enemy fire.
We participated in the 71st anniversary of D-Day commemoration service. Earl got to lay a
wreath at the World War II memorial.
Jun 09, 2015
Powder_Bags.JPGPicture Worth a 1,000 wordsIn order to explain a little about our firing battery to the folks back home, I used this photo clearly showing the powder bags held up for the Executive Officer (XO) to verify that the correct charge was being used to fire the round. In this case, with four bags out of seven not in the tube, it is Charge 3. That round won't go very far away from the firebase at that charge. PS> Straddling the leg of a 105mm is not Ft Sill approved procedure.May 02, 2015
Service.JPGHanging 'em upAfter 28 years of active and Reserve service, it's time to "hang 'em up". Let someone take your place with new youth and vigor.

My USAR time was spent primarily with the 4152d USAR School in New Orleans and a short stint with the 1192d Transportation and Terminal Unit located at the edge of the famous French Quarter.
Apr 28, 2015
IMG_3882.jpgFound my Freedom Bird!Thankfully, I didn't have to use the can. It beats a 55-gallon drum, though. Maybe the dogs used this one.Apr 12, 2015
IMG_6137.jpgFound my Freedom Bird!With a lot of help from an ex-C-141 pilot, I was able to track down and
reunite with the plane that brought me home from Vietnam. I just happened
to have one picture of me with the plane, and I was able to use the tail
number to find my plane.
Apr 12, 2015
IMG_6147.jpgFound my Freedom Bird!I arranged the visit with the public affairs officer at Lackland AFB in San Antonio, TX. The plane is used for dog training at Lackland, and has the wings and tail removed. The Air Force could not have been more hospitable towards us. It was really cool to be back aboard again.

Incidentally, I read the entire book Fail Safe out loud to the guy next me
on the way home. I don't know why!
Apr 12, 2015
Another_FB_Another_Survey.JPGMar 21, 2015
Plieku_Restaurant.JPGMar 21, 2015
Pleiku_Montagnard_(2).JPGPleiku seriesHeading to town on his ox-drawn cart. Pleiku was still very primitive in the 60s.Mar 21, 2015
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