The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

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J_Orr-1.JPGJerry Orr's photosJerry Orr and John "Moon" Mullins are pointing fingers at the Hunter Steakhouse, a short walk from the Crowne Plaza reunion hotel. The Steakhouse served very large portions; you got a full tummy for a good price. Seated at right is Steve Sykora, attending his first 35th Inf Regt reunion. Steve was on hand for our "historic reunion" at Ft Sill in 2013.Oct 06, 2015
J_Orr-2.JPGJerry Orr's photosThe 2/9th Redlegs attending the annual 35th reunion also attended the Friday night party with C-1-35 at Bert Landau's condo in San Diego. It was a catered affair with very scenic views outside the condo party pavilion. It has become a traditional event of sorts, organized by Bert and Dave Collins, company commander of C-1-35.Oct 06, 2015
J_Orr-3.JPGJerry Orr's photosHunter Steakhouse, San Diego. At right is FO and Loach pilot Mike Kurtgis.Oct 06, 2015
J_Orr-4.JPGJerry Orr's photosConfab at the Hunter Steakhouse, San Diego on Thursday evening.Oct 06, 2015
Doubletree.jpgThe Hilton Doubletree Hotel - 18th Annual ReunionThe 18th Annual Reunion of the 35th Inf Regt Assn was held in late September, 2016. The location will be the Doubletree Hotel in Arlington, VA, but also known as the Washington, DC, Crystal City area. Oct 04, 2015
Bill_Henson.JPGLast HurrahAssociation President Bill Henson conducts his last Business Meeting on Saturday morning. Bill turned the reins of the organization over to incoming President Wiley "Tiny" Dodd, a proud veteran of the 35th's Recon Team in Vietnam. Good Luck, Wiley!Oct 01, 2015
Roeder_Pavilion4.JPGHost & GuestHost Bert Landau greets guest Craig McGowan of C-1-35.Oct 01, 2015
Roeder_Pavilion5.JPGAnyone call for artillery?Veterans who supported the 35th in the field pose for a photo shoot. From left, party Host Bert Landau, Webmaster Dennis Dauphin, FDC and FO Party guy Greg Malnar, Ed Moor, FO and pilot Mike Kurtgis, TOC members Joe Henderson, Jim Connolly, and Ernie Correia; Steve Sykora, and Jerry Orr. Escaping the photo was FO Ed Thomas.Oct 01, 2015
Roeder_Pavilion6.JPGThe WinnerWinner of the 50/50 drawing, Linda Curtis (center) chats with Martha Henderson (left). Linda donated the winnings back to the 35th in memory of KIA Lt Roger Fulkerson. At right is Association Past President Jim Beddingfield and his wife.Oct 01, 2015
Poolside.JPGThe Crowne PlazaAmenities at the hotel included a courtyard pool and a waterfall.Oct 01, 2015
Roeder_Pavilion.JPGOur HostRedleg Bert Landau, with cup in hand, welcomes TOC member Jim Connolly at the Friday evening party. To the left is the Co-Host of the party, Dave Collins, who commanded C-1-35 with Lt Bert Landau as his Forward Observer. A very special event planned by Dave and Bert in a very upscale environment. Weren't we fortunate!Oct 01, 2015
Roeder_Pavilion2.JPGEyes frontDave Collins provides a "Welcome" speech to the assembled guests at Bert Landau's condo pavilion.Oct 01, 2015
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