The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

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JFO-4.JPGFred stands next to a recoilless rifle. What a "bad boy" that weapon was! Nomenclature was the M40 recoilless rifle.Mar 08, 2016
JFO-5.JPGFred & FriendYeah, I'm the guy on the left with all the aiming points on my uniform for a sniper. My buddy is totally anonymous.Mar 08, 2016
Steven_C__Brown.jpgEverybody's Friend - 2/9th Mail ClerkSteven is the one that drove me out to the Oasis and told me he was going back to the states, and we had the same MOS. I got his job. Photo furnished by Paul Howe.Feb 13, 2016
Bronze_Star_Ceremony.JPGBronze Star CeremonyAfter I returned home, I didn't know that I was put in for any award. Then I got a letter asking if I wanted a formal military color guard presentation. Since I was back home living with my widowed mother and two younger sisters, I said "yes" mainly for their benefit. Sure enough, they had me go to the Louisiana National Guard barracks where they called out the Color Guard and I was presented my Bronze Star.

Maybe I should go back for my Air Medal? Never got that one.
Feb 08, 2016
01-Bird_Dog_Spotter.JPGBird DogThe Cessna L-19/0-1 Bird Dog was the artillery FO spotter plane used throughout Vietnam.Feb 06, 2016
Commo_Playtime.JPGGood Grief! When are those Donut Dollies gonna show up?Jan 13, 2016
After_Ben_Het.JPGWatts & CokerRon Watts is at left (bending over) while SFC Clyde A. Roker supervises. We had just left the 1/69th Armor at Ben Het around April, 1969.Jan 13, 2016
J_Wm_Ward.JPGLock & LoadThe 500,000th round is getting ready to go on its way on 22Jan68
Pictured above at far left is J. William Ward, our photo contributor.
Dec 16, 2015
Millionth_round.JPGThe 500,000th 105mm round fired in combatB/2/9 holds the distinction of firing the "1/2 Millionth" round in Vietnam. Looks like they chose a Willy Peter round. Good choice. Photo by Terry Stuber; contributed by J. William Ward. That "broken wrench" was the latest technology in setting a time fuze. The benchmark round was fired from LZ Uptight.Dec 16, 2015
Don_K_2015.JPGVeteran's Day, 2015Still standing tall 48 years after Vietnam.

Nov 11, 2015
Cox_-_Brown.jpgBob BrownOk...same picture as next door...but of a much higher quality!Oct 17, 2015
winner~0.jpgSenior Olympics Winner!Well, after running through fire and mud, Don felt he was ready to win five medals in the Senior Olympics.

Surely, this former veteran FO is no couch potato!
Oct 06, 2015
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