The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

Last additions
Dave_Collins.JPGJoint Dinner - C-1-35 & 2/9thFriday evening dinner at Ft Myer club. Cpt Dave Collins, company commander of C-1-35 and his FO in Nam, Lt Bert Landau, have joined together over the years to arranged a joint unit party. This event was held at the Ft Myers Club, formerly known as an "O-Club", but changed to the politically correct "Patton Club". Dave addresses the dinner group with his talk on how the men who served in Nam were members of a tribe, a brotherhood.Oct 06, 2016
Arty_Hat.jpgStill Running!Well, Don gave up his #1 spot on the victory stand in this annual event. At least the winner wasn't decked out infantry blue. BUT...check out that Artillery ten-gallon hat on Don's head! Wow!

Guess the #3 guy didn't finish at all...or was "finished" and carried off for last rites.
Sep 13, 2016
Don_K_-hand.JPGA rock?THIS is a Water Buffalo turd?!? You said it was a rock!

(Guess you flunked your minor in Geology, Don!)
Aug 07, 2016
LZ_OD_Mess_Kitchen.JPGChow TimePFC Alvin Hite, Cook and SFC Frank Venegas, Chief of Smoke, enjoy a "hot meal" from the mermite cans at LZ OD, firebase for 1/35th and "A" Battery.

SFC Venegas eventually became the Command Sergeant Major of III Corps Artillery located at Ft. Sill, Ok where he resided until his death.
Jul 13, 2016
Keith_Blues.jpgModern Day DonOld soldiers never die; they just buy dress blue uniforms (if they still fit). Don dresses out in full regalia at a reunion.Jun 28, 2016
Don-173d.JPG2016 Reunion of the 173dDon submits a photo of two beauties dressed in WWII uniforms while he is in his dress blues from two (2) tours in Vietnam. Isn't it amazing how the WWII veterans held up so much better than our Vietnam veteran?Jun 13, 2016
J_Orr_-_Citation.pdfCitation - Jerry Orr's inductionClicking on this PDF link will open the Citation that honors Jerry Orr into the Oklahoma Military Hall of Fame.May 22, 2016
J_Orr_-_Gary_Sinise.jpg2/9th Coin PresentationMaj Jerry Orr proudly presents a 2/9th commemorative coin (aka Challenge Coin) to Gary Sinise (Lt Dan's Band). Gary Sinise is widely known for his support of the military and its veterans. Gary was at Ft Sill, OK and performed three hours of continuous music at concert. (2016)Apr 27, 2016
Munden_-_Hobbs.JPGWe Go TogetherWith grateful appreciation my faithful RTO...Raymond Hobbs. Thank you so much for covering my back.

Photo from the historic 2/9th Reunion at Ft Sill, Ok, May-June 2013.
Mar 31, 2016
A_Battery_Sign.jpgBattery LocationThe proud insignia of A/2/9 stands at LZ Oasis.Mar 26, 2016
JFO-86.JPGThis is the fieldRucksack, helmet, letter from home, and a smoke.Mar 20, 2016
JFO-87.JPGTaking a breakTypical scene of troops moving through the Central Highlands.Mar 20, 2016
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