The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

Last additions
Jim_Doc_Hall.JPGLifetime Achievement Award bestowedJim "Doc" Hall was honored at the Banquet with the first-ever Lifetime Achievement Award presented by his brothers of the Cacti. Being his usual modest self, Jim had very few words to offer. Congratulations, Jim! Your extensive work in finding the gravesites of the Cacti decease and paying them tribute will be your lasting legacy.Oct 07, 2016
Note_from_Jenny.JPGOct 07, 2016
Dauphin_-Henderson.JPGClose Support of the RedlegsDennis Dauphin, FO for A/2/35 and Joe Henderson, member of the Tactical Operations Center for the 2/35th Battalion get together at the joint dinner. Joe is the Executive Vice-President of the 35th Regiment Association.Oct 07, 2016
The_gang.JPGRegular Reunion visitorsL to R: Jackie Dauphin, Mike Kurtgis, Barb Keith, Cindi Strong (daugher of Barb Keith)Oct 07, 2016
A_2_35.JPGCacti Blue ForeverHere they are! Proud veterans of Alpha Company, 2/35th attending the banquet.Oct 07, 2016
A-2-35.JPGSocial hourHal Bowling, Art Johnson, David Dunn and wife Chris Dunn enjoy a little libation before the Saturday dinner. Chris' legacy is to stick out her tongue at the cameraman...just like last year.Oct 07, 2016
Barb___Don.JPGDress BluesFO Lt Don Keith and wife Barb at the closing Saturday evening banquet. Don found a website to buy a set of dress blues and caught the attention of many in his well-decorated uniform.Oct 07, 2016
Barb_Keith~0.JPGJoint Dinner - C-1-35 & 2/9thBarb Keith and her daughter Cindi Strong give big smiles at their dinner table.Oct 07, 2016
Army-Navy_Drive.jpgOops...Wrong PhotoOops...wrong photo! THIS is the entrance to the Doubletree Hilton, site of the 35th Inf Regt Annual Reunion. Next year: Springfield, MissouriOct 07, 2016
Wash_DC.JPGWashington, DCThis is Washington, DC, in its usual state. Quite a mess, isn't it? It's supposed to be the entrance to the reunion hotel.Oct 07, 2016
Turner_-_Kammerer.JPGJoint Dinner - C-1-35 & 2/9thJoe Turner listens intently to Diane Kammerer, widow of Lt Tom Kammerer, who served with the 2/9th in the 66-67 timeframe. This is Diane's second reunion with us.Oct 07, 2016
Serving_Line.JPGJoint Dinner - C-1-35 & 2/9thTime to join the chow line.Oct 07, 2016
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