
DTurner-24.jpgRC-292s provide firebase communicationsOct 09, 2016

DTurner-23.jpgGuess What's Coming For Dinner?Oct 09, 2016

DTurner-22.jpgHigh Angle Fire in the Smoky MountainsOct 09, 2016

DTurner-21.jpgCannoneers at workOct 09, 2016

DTurner-16.jpgLoading Dock at Duc Pho?This may be the site of the phenomenal ammo dump explosion taking place in July, 1967.Oct 09, 2016

DTurner-12.jpgA Well-Bunkered FirebaseOct 09, 2016

DTurner-13.jpgTermites?From this high above, it looks like termites are in season.Oct 09, 2016

DTurner-14.jpgOICCaptain Howard "Dutch" Hutsell stands outside a bunker with a soldier getting a Nam suntan.
Dutch was on the Battalion Staff as the S-4 and was later the Battery Commander for "A" Battery. Originally from Arkansas, he deceased in 2019.Oct 09, 2016

DTurner-15.jpgChaplain in the FieldOct 09, 2016

DTurner-7.jpgBunker BuildingAll the elements are there: Aiming Circle, Jeep, sandbags stacked and augmented with steel grating.Oct 09, 2016

DTurner-8.jpgClearly a LandmarkYou can find this one on a map for sure.Oct 09, 2016

DTurner-9.jpgAerial of the HighlandsOct 09, 2016
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