The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

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Lt_John_Hartley_Jr.jpgTryin' to keep up with CrochetLt John Hartley, Jr is sent out to replace FO Lt Wayne Crochet. Wayne went back to "C" Battery while John took his place as the FO for B/2/35 in the Duc Pho area in 1967. Lt Hartley later became a LNO with 2/35th TOC shop.

Photo courtesy of Cliff "Westy" Westwood, B/2/35
Mar 14, 2017
WC-3.JPGWash first; then dryNow that Lt Crochet has washed his boots in the stream, it's time to let them dry.

Photo courtesy of Cliff "Westy" Westwood, B/2/35.
Mar 14, 2017
WC-1.JPGThink this path may be floodedFO Lt Wayne Crochet stands knee-deep in a stream with "Poncho", the Company Commander's RTO. One way to "cool your dogs" and wash your boots at the same time.

Photo courtesy of Cliff "Westy" Westwood of B/2/35
Mar 13, 2017
WC-2.JPGEasy camouflageFO Lt Wayne Crochet has no trouble blending in with the jungle.

Photo courtesy of Cliff "Westy" Westwood of B/2/35
Mar 13, 2017
WC-4.JPGAnother daring FO!Lt Wayne Crochet of New Orleans, LA takes a long look at "what's out there". Wayne served with B/2/35 in the 1967-68 era.

Photo courtesy of Cliff "Westy" Westwood of B/2/35
Mar 13, 2017
Flag_is_Captured.JPGI got it!Every battle known to man is to capture the other guy's flag. Here it is!Mar 11, 2017
Grunt_Club_Ice.JPGGrunt Club Supply WagonNothing like taking a military trailer and putting it to better use! Here this trailer is loaded with ice to cover the Pabst Blue Ribbon beer.Mar 11, 2017
Keith_Goes_Cong.JPGHa so?Don adapts the Vietnamese headwear; keeps the sun out of his eyes, he says.Mar 11, 2017
Major_Punji_Trap.JPGPunji StakesOne of the nastiest booby traps in all of Vietnam was the punji stake trap. A hole in the ground was covered up to hide the sharply-pointed stakes pointing upward, usually with poison on the tips. The idea wasn't to kill US troops, but to take them out of the battle and to demoralize their comrades.Mar 11, 2017
Running_thru_the_Jungle.JPGCong -or- Cong Fighter?Don can play for either side.Mar 11, 2017
Fire_in_the_hole-1.JPGKa-blooey!The NCO is getting ready to blow this enemy stash to kingdom come!Mar 11, 2017
2Village_Firefight.JPGVillage FirefightDon says that this is the battle where Lt Dick Arnold of B/1/35 and his platoon were pinned down.Mar 11, 2017
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