The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

Last additions
AS-15.JPGOutdoor PorchWell, some of us can build better stuff than others.May 16, 2017
AS-7.JPGLZ IncomingA direct hit on one of our howitzers when the enemy attacked LZ Incoming. {See "War Stories" about LZ Incoming}May 16, 2017
AS-8.JPGMore domesticatedThis is a more "city-fied" location in NamMay 16, 2017
AS-9.JPGOur WorkhorsesWithout the Chinook in Nam, we would have been very hard pressed to keep supplies coming and be combat effective.May 16, 2017
AS-10.JPGScenic FirebaseThis is one of the more scenic firebases you'll ever see in NamMay 16, 2017
AS-4.JPGCargo AirportFixed-wing cargo planes on the tarmac.May 16, 2017
AS-5.JPGGoing Home - CONUS OrdersSee those overseas caps? They contain orders for going home.May 16, 2017
AS-6.JPGPlenty of dustThis is generally what it looks like when a CH-47 brings in a slingload of supplies.May 16, 2017
AS-1.JPGAir Drop of suppliesEveryone knew the drill. A CH-47 Chinook had a slingload of something under its belly and dropped off the load. There were few useful roadways in Nam that weren't subject to daily ambush.May 16, 2017
Group_Photo.jpgBCT GraduationWe were invited to attend a BCT graduation on Thursday morning. It was not only an impressive ceremony, but the enthusiasm, military bearing, and physically fit young men and women in uniform was a sight to see. Notice how our artillery-red shirts stand out.May 15, 2017
JC-21.JPGTea PlantationThis is the Main House of the Catecka Tea Plantation.May 15, 2017
JC-22.JPGHwy 14Shot of Hwy 14 to Kontum, aka "Ambush Alley"May 15, 2017
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