
Orphanage.jpg"Boys & Girls Home" at Duc PhoIn smaller print: DAI-UY RONALD ROD.
This orphanage was dedicated to Capt Ronald Rod who served as an "Advisor" prior to open hostilities. Capt Rod was previously an ROTC instructor at Loyola University in New Orleans.
The men who volunteered to serve as Military Advisors had no support of armed US troops. They were, indeed, sitting ducks.
Capt Rod was one of my ROTC Instructors. He left for Vietnam while I was still a student at the University.Oct 14, 2007

3rdBde.jpgBrigade HeadquartersLanding strip and tarmac at 3rd Bde HQ, 25th Inf Div, LZ Montezuma, Duc Pho, Spring, 1967.Oct 14, 2007

3rdBdeConst.jpgLZ Montezuma - under constructionThe 3rd Bde, 25th Inf Div build their HQ at LZ Montezuma in Duc Pho, very close to the South China Sea. Grunts later named this place "Fire Support Base Bronco".Oct 14, 2007

WaterTank.jpg"Mang Yang" (Mang Giang) PassAn abandoned water tank on top of a hill overlooking the infamous Mang Yang pass. An excellent observation point.Oct 14, 2007

AerialViewPaddies.jpgRice Paddies - Aerial ViewA helicopter view of the irrigation system for rice paddies near Duc Pho.Oct 14, 2007

ThePass.jpg"The Pass"Going thru the Mang Yang Pass on Highway 19. Looks like the road was designed for ambushes.Oct 14, 2007

Highway_19.jpgThe infamous Highway 19The infamous Hwy 19 going thru the Mang Yang Pass. The road ran from An Khe to Qui Nhon. Most everyone has a "war story" concerning event(s) on Hwy 19.Oct 14, 2007

Local_Transportation.jpgGreyhound BusNot quite, but this little Lambretta was the "people-mover" of its day.Oct 14, 2007

GDS-77b.jpgA brew in the fieldNever heard of Falstaff beer? It was a brewery in New Orleans.Oct 13, 2007

FireDivDump.jpgFree Fireworks Display - Summer, 1967 Duc PhoLt Dennis Munden peers thru the BC scope set atop the sandbagged CONEX container that serves as the "A" Btry FDC at LZ OD directly across from LZ Montezuma, the 3rd Bde HQ at Duc Pho.Oct 13, 2007

DumpFire.jpgDivision Ammo Dump Fire on South China SeaCapt Mike Casp, Btry CO and Lt Dennis Dauphin, XO have a 3200 mil problem. The fire is behind them.Oct 13, 2007

GDS-6.jpgCambodian borderA view towards the Cambodian border from the LZ location of B-2-35 where I was the brand new FO, otherwise known as "FNG".Oct 12, 2007
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