
DM15.jpgIn The FlagRadar Officer Emil Franklin is all smiles as he shows off a letter from home.Nov 08, 2007

DM14.jpgSignageThe unit crest imposed on the Artillery branch insignia. "F.D.C" = Fire Direction Center. Housed and protected in a sandbagged CONEX container.Nov 08, 2007

DM6a.jpgOriginal slide of the rising sun over the South China Sea. Immediately across the shine of the rice paddies was LZ Montezuma, home of the 3rd Brigade, 25th Inf Div until 1 Aug 67 when it was swapped with the 4th Inf Div.Nov 08, 2007

DM11.jpgSKYCRANE POWER!The mighty Sikorsky SkyCrane creates a tremendous downdraft dirtstorm for the crew below.Nov 08, 2007

DM10.jpgHi, Mom!Lt Dennis Munden. A "modern-day" photo can be found at the end of this file.Nov 08, 2007

DM3.jpgCapt Mike CaspBattery Commander of "A" Battery, Mike was a well-respected leader and a graduate of West Point and Captain of the Army football team. Mike was KIA in November, 1967.Nov 07, 2007

DM4.jpgOutdoor BarbershopA risky proposition, perhaps. It's a good idea to know whose cutting your hair in a combat zone.Nov 07, 2007

DM1.jpgDirect Fire RehearsalIt was standard policy to practice lowering the tube and practicing "direct fire" technique in case of a firebase being overrun.Nov 07, 2007

scan0002.jpgGot Beer?You never knew what a luxury hot beer would be! Lt Dauphin shows off a "beer moustache".Oct 18, 2007

murray.jpgCapt Charles A. MurrayCompany Commander of A/2/35. West Point grad who later became a trial lawyer. Proud to have served with Charlie as his FO.Oct 18, 2007

GotBeer.jpgWarm BeerThe year was 1967 and the beer was available; warm beer, that is. It was 3.2 beer and warm, but...we drank it anyway!Oct 18, 2007

Casp1.jpgThe Final DaysCapt Mike Casp, Battery Commander, just after monsoon lifted.
It was extremely regrettable that Capt Casp, filling in for a LNO who was on R&R, was in a C&C chopper shot down while on a Recon Mission. He was a wonderful Battery Commander!Oct 18, 2007
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