
TS-7.JPGLZ Ranger @ Ban-me-ThuotMud puddles everywhere.Nov 17, 2007

TS-6.JPGLZ Ranger @ Ban-me-ThuotAll UNKNOWNS! Anyone have names?
Sign says: "BAD NEWS" then "SOUTH VIETNAM". Margin reads "B Btry" on the left and "2/9th" on the right.Nov 17, 2007

TS-5.JPGLZ Ranger @ Ban-me-ThuotUNKNOWN Cannoneer. Sandbag City. Ammo is within reach.Nov 17, 2007

TS-4.JPGLZ Ranger @ Ban-me-ThuotExtensive use of sandbagged bunkers at battery's howitzer sections.Nov 17, 2007

TS-3.jpgLZ Ranger @ Ban-me-ThuotArtillery housekeeping. Note how neat & organized. The "aiming sticks" are shown at bottom right.Nov 17, 2007

TS-1.jpgLZ Ranger @ Ban-me-ThuotR-292 radio antenna stands in the middle of all the muck.Nov 17, 2007

TS-2.jpgLZ Ranger @ Ban-me-ThuotInto every situation, a little rain must fall. Only...in Vietnam...they're called "monsoons".Nov 17, 2007

DM13.jpgRSOP In ProgressCamera captures a perfect shot of a CH-47 moving a howitzer and ammo load.Nov 10, 2007

DM12.jpgThe EffectWise to avoid the FFE results.Nov 10, 2007

DM5.jpgFire For EffectRounds landing within view of the firebase. Not a common sight.Nov 10, 2007

DM18.jpgWorking Crew - Pt IIRollins, Lt Munden, Dauphin, Franklin and Casp. Looks like the "boonie cap" moves around.Nov 10, 2007

DM2.jpgRSOPMoving day. The CH-47 Chinook was the workhorse. It could transport a 105mm howitzer and a slingload of ammo, code named "lobsters".Nov 10, 2007
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