
TS-17.jpgThe SuccessorThe new M102 howitzer, replacing the old WWII 105mm with trails. LZ Ranger @ Ban-me-ThuotNov 26, 2007

TS-18.jpgLZ Ranger @ Ban-me-ThuotMen-At-Work. Close coordination between cannoneers makes for a successful gun crew.
Water can says "Non Potable". Of course, that applied to most things in Vietnam.Nov 26, 2007

WD3.jpgThe Mighty Ninth in actionBattle of 13 June 69: 2/9th artillery attacks NVA bunker complex.Nov 22, 2007

WD1.JPGThe Mighty Ninth in actionArtillery prep prior to assault on the Chu Pa, March, 1969Nov 22, 2007

WD2.jpgThe Mighty Ninth in actionBattle of 13 June 69: 2/9th artillery attacks NVA bunker complex.Nov 22, 2007

TS-15.JPGLZ Ranger @ Ban-me-ThuotRick Algren poses next to one of the new 105mm howitzers, the M-102. These arrived in 1968; the 2/9th Arty was the first unit to receive them.Nov 17, 2007

TS-16.JPGLZ Ranger @ Ban-me-ThuotMocha the mascot: "You ain't nuthin' but a hound dog"Nov 17, 2007

TS-14.JPGLZ Ranger @ Ban-me-ThuotUNKNOWN cannoneer. Note the well-maintained area of the howitzer.Nov 17, 2007

TS-11.JPGLZ Ranger @ Ban-me-ThuotUNKNOWN cannoneers. Here's one for you, Charlie. Loading up the newer M102 howitzers.Nov 17, 2007

TS-10.JPGLZ Ranger @ Ban-me-ThuotGreat photo of Section ammo bunker. UNKNOWN cannoneer. Real artillerymen use big bullets.Nov 17, 2007

TS-9.JPGLZ Ranger @ Ban-me-Thuot"We Were Cannoneers....and Young!" Posing with four-legged friend.
UNKNOWN cannoneers. Camouflage strap has the name "Dick". Anyone have names?Nov 17, 2007

TS-8.JPGLZ Ranger @ Ban-me-ThuotUnknown cannoneer. The best air conditioning in Nam was found in a bunker.Nov 17, 2007
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