The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

Last additions
DJ-16.jpgBn S-4 Bill Baker and Lynn Knight, Company "A" CommanderNov 29, 2007
DJ-15.jpgThe FO PartyUNK Recon Sgt, Sgt Bill Latimer, RTO (KIA), and Lt Carl Stout, FO.Nov 29, 2007
DJ-14.jpgThe GruntsLt TJ Blue (1/35), Maj (Unknown) who was the FAC (Forward Air Controller), and CPT Art Panze, Engineer Co Commander.Nov 29, 2007
DJ-12.jpgGot me a jeep!Lt Kermit DeVaughn (deceased), an Alabama native, FDO for "A" Battery, is all smiles.Nov 29, 2007
DJ-11.jpgWhere are we? A map exercise."Matches? I thought you had the matches!"
Maj Gerrold Tippen (S-3, 1/35)), CPT Lloyd Yoshina (A/1/35), Maj Moore (BnCo, 1/35).
Nov 29, 2007
DJ-9.jpg"Let me tell you this about that!"CPT Lynn Knight (A/1/35) speaks with CPT Ed Nealon (B/1/35).Nov 29, 2007
DJ-8.jpg"Just wanted to let you guys know that we are going to throw a little party for Ho Chi Minh tonight". Informal staff meeting in progress. (L to R) Maj Gerrold Tippen, S-3 for 1/35; LTC Bob Kingston (BnCO, 1/35, later becoming a general), (Unknown), CPT Bil Baker, S-4, 1/35) (Unknown), Maj Doug Johnson, Doctor from the 1/35 Inf, Lt Cal Graef, 4.2 Mortar Plt Leader.)Nov 29, 2007
DJ-7.jpgLooking out the helo door is 35th Inf Battalion Commander Maj Moore.Nov 29, 2007
DJ-6.jpgVietnamese Awards CeremonyMaj Doug Johnson and Lt Don Keith display Vietnamese medals.Nov 28, 2007
DJ-5.jpgAwards DayLt Dennis Munden, FO; Lt Jim Deloney, FO, and Capt Doug Johnson receive medals at a Vietnamese awards ceremony at Brigade Base Camp.Nov 28, 2007
Landau-Collins.jpgWe can laugh now!Capt Dave Collins, Company Commander of C-1-35, shares a light moment with Lt Bert Landau, his FO with the 2/9th FA a few years ago.Nov 27, 2007
TS-19.jpgLZ Ranger @ Ban-me-ThuotUnknown cannoneers. Shell casing reveals the center firing tube which ignites the powder bags.Nov 26, 2007
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