Card_from_Joe.jpgChristmas Card from friend Manuel "Joe" GuerreroManuel "Joe" Guerrero sent a Christmas card to let me know that he was "selected" and made it to Vietnam with the deployment of the 3rd Brigade of the 25th Inf Division. My service ended in September, 1965, but I stayed in touch with my buddies.
Joe's card reads, "Hoping you have a good time. As you can see, I made "the 4" (rank). Nice Christmas present from the Army along with Vietnam. It's official. Best Wishes for the New Year. JoeJul 10, 2017

end.jpgJune, 1964 - Men of the 2/9th hear Vietnam Deployment Rumors1st Row: Sp4 Reece, Davis, Lake, Moore, Baum, Matronne, Richard Bates
2nd Row: Doakes, Balaoing, Goran, Sheehan, Mauromatis, Ernesto Rodriguez, Mead, Ed Tucker, Guleck
3rd Row: Baker, Fellman, Jerry George, Books, Bey, Carey, Nolan, Hornrein, Brown
4th Row: King, Hartley, Williams, Bullock, Atkinson, Dixon, Kieper, D'Amico, Gary Leach
5th Row: Connelly, Daniel McDonald, Jerry Chastian, Maynard Oulette, Marvin Cazzel, Wayne Engum, Robert Dykes, Somerville, NelsonJul 09, 2017

midd.jpgGroup Photo of June, 1964, con'td. 2/9th FA before leaving Hawaii1st Row: -cont'd- Evans, Lehman, McNulty, Rona Shields, Stinson, Milsap, Morrison
2nd Row: -cont'd- Glover, Pulido, D'Angelo, Beaver, Pearman, Spaulding
3rd Row: -cont'd- UNK, Hanna, Rota, Fessaden
4th Row: -cont'd- Adams, McNeil, Pete, Gene Tomkoski
5th Row: -cont'd- Kisey, Dixon, Baggett, JD WilliamsJul 09, 2017

2right.jpgMen of the 2/9th FA, Hawaii - before the word of Nam Deployment1st Row: -cont'd - Hyman, Rothamel, Hoy, Olivo
2nd Row: -cont'd - Harris, Myrashiro, Abasta, Jardee
3rd Row: - cont'd - Coldfliesh, UNK, McNeal, Martyn, Apodaca, Fitzgerald, Carl
4th Row: - cont'd - Yee, Bobby Abbott, Morgan, Harold Woody, Ronald Clippinger
5th Row: - cont'd - Smith, Loyd Owenby, Myers, Larry ChestnutJul 09, 2017