The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

Last additions
WS-39.JPGChristmas CelebrationThe Ammo and Survey Sections toast the 1969 Christmas with a few beers.May 25, 2008
WS-38.JPGThe GangTop: Robert Gardner, KC King, Sam Bailey. Middle: Mike Fairweather, Jerry Genson, Dennis Couch. Kneeling: Walt Schneidereit.May 25, 2008
WS-36.JPGGoodbye, LZ OasisJerry & Walt loading; departing LZ Oasis and moving to Camp Enari, November, 1969.May 25, 2008
WS-37.JPGArtillery HillWalt watching pickup after hooking the doughnut to the SkyCrane at Artillery Hill.May 25, 2008
WS-35.JPGOn fireJerry Genson & Walt Schneidereit watch fire. A distillery it isn't. If you guessed outhouse...correct! Photo was taken in Nov, 1969 just hours before we left the Oasis for Camp Enari.May 25, 2008
WS-34.JPGConstruction WorkTaking out commo from the 2/9th TOC. Walt is 2nd from left; Top Davis standing on beam.
NOTE! Check out Photo #MK-142 in Mike Kurtgis album; it shows the 2/9th TOC under construction.
May 25, 2008
WS-33.JPGRocket HoleAnother look at the rocket crater by the ASP.May 25, 2008
WS-32.JPGRocket HoleWalt stands in the hole made by a 122mm rock near the ASP. Tower 2 in background. Now we have lots of fill for sandbags.May 25, 2008
WS-30.JPGLZ OasisFamiliar sight: choppers arriving and leaving.May 25, 2008
WS-31.JPGAmmo SectionJerry Genson stands near the remains of the Ammo Section tent.May 25, 2008
WS-29.JPGThe ASPDennis Couch takes inventory while UNK soldier from the 704th Maint operates forklift. This ASP handled all the munitions for the Grunts and the Redlegs...mortar rounds, M16, .50 cal, hand grenades, C-4, name it.May 25, 2008
WS-28.JPGLZ OasisLZ Oasis, Tower 2May 25, 2008
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