
MK8.jpgThe FNG"FNG" Lt Kurtgis attending orientation at Camp Enari and getting assignment as the FO for "B" Company, 1/35th.Jun 06, 2008

MK6.jpgEnrouteOn the way: Flight to Pleiku and Camp Enari.Jun 06, 2008

MK5.jpgHousing"C" Huts and bunkersJun 06, 2008

MK12.jpgOCS ClassmateLt Harry Kerestes - a classmate of OCS Class 33-67 of Ft. Sill, Okla. Many Arty OCS grads saw duty in Nam.Jun 06, 2008

MK4.jpgCam Rahn BayScenic view of CRB near Saigon.Jun 06, 2008

MK7.jpgEngine FailureBack to CRB - Engine failure. Is this an omen?Jun 06, 2008

MK-3.jpgThe Republic of DinkvilleMap of Vietnam; key locationsJun 06, 2008

MK-2.jpgGood Morning, Vietnam!Index of following photos.Jun 06, 2008

MK-1.jpgTour of Duty - Lt KurtgisTitle Slide; much more to followJun 06, 2008

WS-7a.jpgWhere are the horses?Didn't see any horses in the jungle, but we got their shoes. Jerry Genson and Dennis Couch.May 27, 2008

WS-5.JPGLZ Oasis2/9th position, looking northwest. (Right) Road to Hwy 19.May 27, 2008

WS-52.JPGMang Yang Pass - Part IIIInteresting details on this infamous Pass going back to the French defeat at Dien Bien Phu. Also: see "War Story- On The Line" about a skirmish at the Pass. May 25, 2008
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