The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

Last additions
MK107.jpgChange of CommandOut with the old; in with the new. LtCol Rich Wiles, incoming 2/9th Arty Bn Commander facing Gen Izack, presiding.Jun 10, 2008
MK108.jpgAwards DayAwards and Decorations: Army Commendation Medal with "V" Device.

Note missing clip from .45 cal. Safety first?
Jun 10, 2008
MK106.jpgPomp and CircumstanceChange of Command ceremony, 2/9th Arty Battalion Commanders, at LZ Oasis, 1969. At left is LtCol Redmond Forrester (incoming) and LtCol Rich Wiles (outgoing).Jun 10, 2008
MK105.jpgBig BangThe 175mm gun fires...note the "concussion ring" on the ground underneath the muzzle.Jun 10, 2008
MK104.jpgThe Gun175mm "gun bunnies" at LZ Oasis.Jun 10, 2008
MK103.jpgThe GunThe 175mm gun...longest range...greatest dispersion...used mainly for area missions.Jun 10, 2008
MK102.jpgThe GunThis 175mm gun was located at LZ Oasis also. It has a range of 32 klicks, but it is the least accurate of the artillery pieces.Jun 10, 2008
MK101.jpgOn The WayAt the end of the red line, you will see the tip of the 8" HE round leaving the smoke at the end of the tube.Jun 10, 2008
MK100.jpg8" How SPThe most accurate artillery piece there is...the 8" inch howitzer. Even Ft Sill can't explain it. A range of 18 klicks.Jun 09, 2008
MK98.jpgThe TOC GangLt John Cashin, SC, 2/9th Arty (me), Lt William Hunnicutt and Lt James E. McHughJun 09, 2008
MK97.jpgThe 2/9th Bn StaffThe TOC Gang at LZ Oasis: The S-1, S-2, S-3, and the SgtMajorJun 09, 2008
MK96.jpgLZ OasisThe 2/9th at Firebase Oasis, 3d Bde, 4th Inf DivJun 09, 2008
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