
GDS-73.JPGRunwayWasn't much of a runway, but it worked.Jun 22, 2008

GDS-72.JPGSky DangerA1E Skyraiders enroute to do some damage. The Skyraiders were very effective in ground support.Jun 22, 2008

GDS-71.JPGTotal RecoilIf you enlarge this photo and look closely, you can see the howitzer tube is in total recoil. The hydraulic system returns it to the firing position afterwards.Jun 22, 2008

GDS-70.JPGRounds landingIf you look closely, you can see where the rounds were landing (smoke on the horizon). A/1/35 was "in contact" about 3 clicks from the battery position. A very rare occasion to see your rounds exploding downrange.Jun 22, 2008

GDS-69.JPGBarber PoleThe red & white poles are the aiming stakes for the howitzers to set off deflection commands. They were replaced with "collimnators" later.Jun 22, 2008

GDS-68.JPGOffsidesThe cannoneer standing between the trails shouldn't be positioned there...for good reason.Jun 22, 2008

GDS-67.JPGOn The WayWell, it was "On The Way, Over" until Ft Sill shortened it to "Shot, Over".Jun 22, 2008

GDS-65.JPGDouble dutyNothing like trying to prepare your position while firing missions at the same time.Jun 22, 2008

GDS-66.JPGFire MissionThe firing position is still being prepared while a fire mission is in progress.Jun 22, 2008

GDS-63.JPGFire!The howitzer is fired. Note the trails "dug in" to contain recoil. Cannonerr in rear of the trails prepares another round for firing.Jun 22, 2008

GDS-65a.JPGWaiting on the commandWaiting on the command to fire....Jun 22, 2008

GDS-61.JPGFine Dining in the FieldFresh eggs??? I have no idea where they came from and probably don't want to know. I can only hope that they came from a chicken.Jun 22, 2008
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