
GDS-120.JPGNVA PrisonerAn NVA prisoner captured by A/1/35 is enroute to the LZ. The prisoner had to be airlifted out by rope due to the high foliage at the capture site.Jun 25, 2008

GDS-109.JPGLZ 510BNote the use of bamboo poles to support the sandbag roof. You used whatever you could find in the jungle.Jun 25, 2008

GDS-111.JPGLZ 510BLooking across the creek into the jungle at LZ 510B.
Your mission begins when you enter the jungle and start "humping the boonies".Jun 25, 2008

GDS-119.JPGPopping smokeSmoke grenades were extremely important in the Vietnam war. It guided the helicopters to your position. Without smoke, the pilots might never see your location.Jun 24, 2008

GDS-118.JPGLZ 510BJust about every firebase had a jeep; it served a lot of purposes.Jun 24, 2008

GDS-117.JPGLZ 510BThe jeep made a great outdoor office.Jun 24, 2008

GDS-116.JPGLZ 510BSp4 R. O. Shepherd at LZ 510B. Note the "stateside" fatigues with the color logos and emblems. Another sign that jungle fatigues were not fully available in the 66-67 timeframe.Jun 24, 2008

GDS-115.JPGLZ 510BSp4 Lee in a "daring" pose. You know when the men are desperate for entertainment.Jun 24, 2008

GDS-114.JPGLZ 510BSp4 Walter W. Lee ready to go.Jun 24, 2008

GDS-113.JPGLZ 510BSp4 Walter W. Lee (standing) and Sp4 John M. Waldman keeping the lamp lit.Jun 24, 2008

GDS-112.JPGLZ 510BThe trash sump at LZ 510B. Good place for "Charlie" to hide unexploded AF ordnance as a booby trap. Good reason not to re-occupy an LZ or have it swept first.Jun 24, 2008

GDS-110.JPGLZ 510BDeveloping the battery position at LZ 510B. Note that the cannons are positioned at "high angle fire" because they are surrounded by a tight tree line.Jun 24, 2008
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