
GDS-253.JPG"The Freedom Bird"Sunrise from the C-141 "Freedom Bird". Supposed to land in Tacoma, Washington, but wound up at Travis AFB, CA. Kinda screwy, but what the heck...I was home! Check out the "war story" - "Tacoma, CA".Jun 28, 2008

GDS-252.JPGStateside Duty Once AgainCapt Gary Dean Springer, Bn S-1 at Ft Hood, TX.
End of MissionJun 28, 2008

GDS-251.JPGPX - Camp EnariSign reads: Camp Enari - Exchange.
4th Inf Div - Dragon Mountain.Jun 28, 2008

GDS-250.JPGGoing home; it's all overDump the jungle fatigues and put on those cotton khakis. Lt Springer ready to return to the land of the "Big PX". Back then, your orders specified that you arrive in the khaki uniform.Jun 28, 2008

GDS-246.JPGPrisonersSuspected VC captured.Jun 28, 2008

GDS-244.JPGPrisonerCaptured VC with weapons.Jun 28, 2008

GDS-245.JPGPrisonersSuspected VC captured.Jun 28, 2008

GDS-243.JPGSniper HillBurn, baby, burn. It was always nice to see a big prep before you got sent in...but there were never any guarantees after you arrived.Jun 28, 2008

GDS-241.JPGCombat Assault - coming upHueys lifting off for a CA.Jun 28, 2008

GDS-240.JPGCombat Assault - coming upHueys prepare for takeoff--on to another CA.Jun 28, 2008

GDS-242a.JPGSniper HillSmoke rising from Sniper Hill as it gets its butt kicked.Jun 28, 2008

GDS-244a.JPGPrisonerVC prisoner with weapons.Jun 28, 2008
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