
WS-123.JPGBig BoomersA berm surrounds an 8-inch self-propelled.Aug 12, 2008

WS-120.JPGMotor PoolThe 2/9th Arty Bn Motor Pool with scenic Dragon Mountain in the background.Aug 12, 2008

WS-117.JPGCamp EnariBird's eye view of Camp Enari. Remember where you were?Aug 12, 2008

WS-119.JPGCamp EnariThe Bunker Line, north side.Aug 12, 2008

WS-118.JPGCamp EnariBunkers and Towers under construction at Camp Enari, 1969.Aug 12, 2008

WS-115.JPGCamp EnariExcellent shot of Dragon Mountain.Aug 12, 2008

WS-116.JPGHighway 19Highway 19 passing Dragon Mountain on the way to LZ Oasis.Aug 12, 2008

WS-114.JPGCamp EnariThe road leading out of the back gate.Aug 12, 2008

WS-113.JPGCamp EnariFront Gate in the foreground.Aug 12, 2008

WS-112.JPGCamp EnariA complete layout of Camp Enari.Aug 12, 2008

WS-111.JPGSludge DutyWalt and Ed Greer watch the shitter burn. Best done at a safe distance away.Aug 12, 2008

WS-110.JPGASP Hitching PostEd Greer and Jerry Genson holding up the ASP hitching post.Aug 12, 2008
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