
Sunrisexx.jpgMorning sunrises and evening sunsets in Nam were a sight to behold.Aug 24, 2008

B-1-35Chow.JPGAug 24, 2008

APC2.jpgM-113, Armored Personnel CarrierThe APCs were used to protect convoys and serve as perimeter defense.
It had a mounted .50 cal machine gun.Aug 24, 2008

APC.jpgAug 24, 2008

AirAssault.jpgAug 24, 2008

Firebasexx.jpgBreak from S&DSearch & Destroy missions were shared among the Infantry companies with one company taking a break for rest at a 105mm howitzer battery. They were known as the "Palace Guard" since they provided defenses for both their Battalion Command Post and one of the 105mm batteries.
Lt Keith was supported by "A" Battery, 2/9th FA.
Howitzer ammo stacked and ready at LZ OD near Duc Pho.Aug 24, 2008

3dBdeSign.jpgHere, get a closer look at it.Aug 24, 2008

3d_Bde_Sign.JPGWhere was I? Well, according to this sign, I was in combat.Aug 24, 2008

LtDMKeith.jpgCouldn't carry a 105mm, so I had to use this M-16. I've already nailed the barrel behind me. So, what's next?Aug 24, 2008

DK-PFC.jpgYeah...I started out as a Private, but they demoted me to Lieutenant, Forward Observer, Field Artillery, and sent me to Nam.Aug 24, 2008

WSx-7.jpgChieu Hoi PassA PsyOps affair...dropping leaflets to encourage the enemy to come in.Aug 14, 2008

WSx-8.jpgPay VoucherMy W-2 for the period of January through September 10, 1970. It includes combat pay.Aug 14, 2008
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