
DK-Tire3.jpgAug 24, 2008

DK-Tire2.jpgAug 24, 2008

DK-Tire1.jpgLocation: 506 Valley. B-1-35 provided security for trans unit.Aug 24, 2008

DK-Pers26.jpgBear in the woodsDoes a bear......Well...yes!Aug 24, 2008

DK-Pers40.jpgScenic war zoneLt Keith near the South China Sea.Aug 24, 2008

DK-Pers39.jpgSeaside MealEating field rations near the South China SeaAug 24, 2008

DK-Pers36.jpgLt Joe Wise, Lt Don Keith, Lt Cal GraefeAug 24, 2008

DK-Pers37.jpgGroup on patrol needed an FO...so Lt Keith joined up.
He spent an unbelievable 11 months in the field as an FO and returned for a 2nd Tour.Aug 24, 2008

DK-Pers34.jpgWall decorationsNow these maps make perfect sense! Playboy centerfolds was the "wallpaper of choice" in Nam.Aug 24, 2008

DK-Pers35.jpgAug 24, 2008

DK-Pers32.jpg"This place is Off Limits? Why didn't somebody tell me?"
Lt Don Keith peers through the "curtains".Aug 24, 2008

DK-Pers33.jpgFO on DutyIn the background, scenic views of a war zone. But it was serious business otherwise.Aug 24, 2008
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