
Turner_41.jpgUNK soldier stands in front of the Orderly Room door.Mar 29, 2009

Turner_40.jpgWhere?Almost everyone has photos from the air revealing the crazy-quilt plots of land.Mar 29, 2009

Turner_39.jpgConvoyRoadside sights include an abandoned bicycle.Mar 29, 2009

Turner_38.jpgVietnamese momLooks like she could use some Pampers. Do we have a dice game going on in the background?Mar 29, 2009

Turner_37.jpgNosebleed seatsNot everyone got a close up of Bob Hope and his visiting troupe.Mar 29, 2009

Turner_36.jpgDid it compute?Note the pencil behind the ear of the observer in the lower right hand corner. You don't often get to see where your rounds actually land.Mar 29, 2009

Turner_35.jpgThe Big CityMarkets in PleikuMar 29, 2009

Turner_33.jpgSmoke RoundAlways fun to watch a smoke round do its job.Mar 29, 2009

Turner_34.jpgBob Hope ShowBob Hope entertains the troops - Dec, 1966.Mar 29, 2009

Turner_32.jpgBelt AmmoLong belts of ammo spitting plenty of hot lead to the ground targets.Mar 29, 2009

Turner_31.jpgInside Guns A-Go-GoLooking inside a flying ammo gunship.Mar 29, 2009

Turner_29.jpgGuns A-Go-GoTroops admiring the armed CH-47. As best we can tell, the gunship was located at LZ Uplift for everyone to look and take photos.Mar 29, 2009
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