
Turner_78.jpgPilot ConvoyThe Huey pilots had a higher degree of safety when flying in formation.Mar 29, 2009

Turner_77.jpgGetting aroundThere were many forms of transport in Vietnam....some better than others.Mar 29, 2009

Turner_76.jpgSignpostIt was typical to have a signpost in your duty area. Everybody wanted to be someplace else. Note the "soft cap" with the 2/9th Arty insignia.Mar 29, 2009

Turner_74.jpgSouth China SeaThe clear blue skies and waters of the South China Sea almost make this look like a vacation spot.Mar 29, 2009

Turner_75.jpgReady for Orderly Room ActionAh...all the trappings of "stateside".Mar 29, 2009

Turner_73.jpgTaxi?This place looks better than some stateside posts!Mar 29, 2009

Turner_72.jpgFlooded rice paddyCommon sight every day.Mar 29, 2009

Turner_71.jpgIn the Christmas spiritA colorfully decorated entrance to the 2/9th Bn Hq Orderly Room. The locals are probably still trying to figure out the guy with the white beard.Mar 29, 2009

Turner_70.jpgClub EntertainmentA little celebration before getting on the plane.Mar 29, 2009

Turner_69.jpgLZ OD --- The BeginningSpring, 1967. "A" Battery occupies LZ OD along with the HQ, 1/35th Bn. The battery took the end nearest the lagoon which supplied water to the rice paddies controlled by a floodgate.Mar 29, 2009

Turner_68.jpgPleiku MarketplaceNot to be confused with the air-conditioned malls back in the US.Mar 29, 2009

Turner_67.jpgLZ MontezumaThe 3rd Brigade Special Task Force Headquarters airstrip. The South China Sea lies just behind the hill in the background. Reports are that the US Marines occupied this area first and left a hellacious number of mines on the hill.Mar 29, 2009
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